Number of C&L notifications made to ECHA tops one million
The number of classification and labelling (C&L) notifications received by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has topped the one million mark, according to the second set of statistics published by the agency this week. The figures indicate that some 1,149,749 notifications contained in 25,931 files have been received. The data also show that the number of REACH registrations has increased by over 1,250 to 15,367 since 22 November - the number of additional substances coved by lead registrations grew by 89, taking the total to 2,572. Some 21, 340 dossiers have been accepted for processing, 2,100 more than on Monday. Improvement in the number of dossiers passing both the business rules and technical completeness checks is also evident. http://chemicalwatch.com/6053